„Coronavirus“ gehört zur uneingeschränkten Kriegsführung der KP Chinas

In den vergangenen 18 Jahren verfolge ich die Entwicklung in der „Volksrepublik China“ tagtäglich, dabei ist das Internet eine große Hilfe.

Die „Volksrepublik China“ ist ein Staat, der systematisch gegen die „Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte“ verstößt. Wenn die Bundesrepublik Deutschland nicht ihre eigenen Werte verraten will, darf sie das kommunistische Regime in der „Volksrepublik China“ nicht als „strategischen Partner“ behandeln. Wer das tut, der muss die Konsequenzen tragen. Die Pandemie made in Wuhan scheint eine solche Konsequenz zu sein. Die biochemische Waffe der KP Chinas namens „Corona-Virus“ hat Deutschland, Europa, ja die ganze Welt lahmgelegt. Die Todesopfer nehmen zu. Die deutschen Medien übernehmen jedoch weiterhin die Propaganda aus Peking, die z.B. aus den Brandstiftern wie CHEN Wei Feuerwehrhelden machen will.

In meinem Beitrag vom 23. Februar 2020 wurde die Generalmajorin der KP Chinas CHEN Wei vorgestellt, die am 26. Januar das P4-Labor in Wuhan übernahm. http://www.koeln-insight.tv/index.php/gesundheit-bildung-3/artikel/72-artikel/kolumne-und-fiktion/21181-zur-generalmajorin-der-kp-chinas,-die-das-p4-labor-in-wuhan-übernahm.html

Laut Propaganda der KP Chinas hat diese Rotchinesin einen Monat später schon die Impfung gegen das „Corona-Virus“ entwickelt und sich selbst sogar die erste Spritze erlaubt. Dabei hat der von der KP dominierte Staatsfernsehsender CCTV am 15. April 2018 bereits in einem Bericht damit gebrüstet, dass in Wuhan das „Corona-Virus“ festgestellt und auch die Impfung dagegen entwickelt worden sei. Siehe https://twitter.com/pEkzgoXMvXPPPgB/status/1239254150870978560

Seit 16. März 2020 wird die Impfung gegen das „Corona-Virus“ in Rotchina produziert. Der Koproduzent CanSino Biologics Inc in Hongkong ist ins Visier geraten. Dabei ist festzustellen, dass diese Firma im März 2019 in Hongkong an die Börse ging und ihr Aktienkurs seit Oktober 2019 nach oben geht. Hat dies mit dem Manöver über den Ausbruch des „Corona-Virus“ in Wuhan im September 2019 zu tun? Ende Dezember hat sich der Aktienkurs dieser Firma schon verdoppelt!

Ich weiß nicht warum die deutschen Medien wie z.B. Deutschlandfunk behaupten will: „Corona-Virus – Keine Pandemie aus dem Biowaffen-Labor“. Daran ist erkennen, dass der deutsche Wissensstand über das KP-Regime und seine Machenschaften noch in den Kinderschuhen steckt.

Bereits 2013 hatten die Fachidioten unter der KP-Führung 127 verschiedene Hybridviren aus den H1N1- und H5N1-Viren hergestellt, die in die Luft gelangen können. 75% sind für den Menschen tödlich.

Was gehen die Deutschen die Menschenrechte in „China“ an?

Unter dem Wort China ist in den deutschen Medien mittlerweile nur noch die so genannte Volksrepublik China zu verstehen.

Das Wort China in meiner Überschrift ist auch durch andere Unrechtsstaaten wie z.B. Nordkorea zu ersetzen.

Was bedeutet das Wort China?

Eigentlich bedeutet China Reich der Mitte und ist seit 1911 die Abkürzung der Republik China. Aber mit Unterstützung der internationalen Kommunisten haben die Kommunistische Partei Chinas 1949 die Volksrepublik China ausgerufen und die Republik China auf die Insel Taiwan vertrieben. Um das einmal deutlich klar zu stellen: Die Volksrepublik China hat mit der Republik China so wenig zu tun wie die ehemalige DDR mit der BRD.
„Was gehen die Deutschen die Menschenrechte in „China“ an?“ weiterlesen

Was hat sich vor 29 Jahren in Peking, Partnerstadt von Köln ereignet?

Das Tiananmen-Massaker, das ich als Germanistikstudentin in Düsseldorf zu sehen bekam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRo3q_NtpmQ

In Taipeh musste ich an Teresa Teng erinnern, weil das Tiananmen-Massaker auch ihr Leben geändert hatte. Ihre Eltern flohen vor Kommunisten nach Taiwan und sie kam in Taiwan zur Welt. Durch ihr Leben und Werk lerne ich in Deutschland die Republik China kennen.

Die Freiheit in Deutschland erlaubt mir, die folgende Erkenntnis zu gewinnen:

Im Jahr 1920  liess Lenin  eine Kommunistische Partei in China heimlich gründen.
„Was hat sich vor 29 Jahren in Peking, Partnerstadt von Köln ereignet?“ weiterlesen

How can we make Tibet independent – In memory of 159 self-immolation heroes

I am thankful to get the opportunity for sharing my experience with you.

Tibet from my perspective

I love Tibet, not only because I was born in Dartsedo. Dsangba and Buttertea are my favorite foods.

For my spiritual development, due to my belief in the reincarnation, I have learnt a lot from tibetan masters like Melarapa (1052-1135).

Because of the Tiananmen-Massacre in 1989, I am against the communist dictatorship and support democracy activists like Dr. Wang Bingzhang, who was kidnapped by the communists in 2002, when he was in Vietnam.
Since 2003 I write on the internet, in order to support the Falun Gong meditation movement against the communist persecution.
2008, after the bloody suppression in Tibet by the communist regime I called for the boycott of the Olympic Games in Peking and wrote an open letter to the Dalai Lama.
From that time I do my best to support the German Tibet Initiative by giving speeches and talks in german.
„How can we make Tibet independent – In memory of 159 self-immolation heroes“ weiterlesen

Mein Weg zur Freiheit  – Zum fünfzigsten Lebensjahr

Für Bürger in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland gehört die Freiheit zur Selbstverständlichkeit, wie die Luft zum Leben. Für Menschen wie mich, die in einem Unrechtsstaat zur Welt kommen, bedeutet die Freiheit manchmal einen Kampf auf Leben und Tod. Deshalb möchte ich meinen persönlichen Weg beschreiben, damit die jüngere Generation die Freiheit in dem geeinigten Deutschland schätzen und verteidigen könnte.

Um die Freiheit in Westdeutschland  zu erreichen, mussten die Deutschen in der von den Kommunisten besetzten Sowjetzone auch zuerst die Berliner Mauer aus verschiedenen Sperren überwinden, wie ich. Im Vergleich zu den Todesopfern an der Berliner Mauer wie z. B. dem zwanzigjährigen Ostberliner Chris Gueffroy, der als letzter Deutscher am 6. Februar 1989 auf der Flucht nach Westberlin erschossen wurde, hatte ich Glück. Am 17. Dezember 1988 konnte ich mit einem Pass der sogenannten Volksrepublik China und einem Studentenvisum für Düsseldorf die Berliner Mauer ohne Gefahr überschreiten.

So stellt die Berliner Mauer den geographischen Anfang meines Wegs zur Freiheit dar. Im Herbst 1983 begann jedoch schon meine Vorbereitung auf diesen Anfang, als ich in Chongqing, der Partnerstadt von Düsseldorf seit 2004, das deutsche Alphabet lernte. „Mein Weg zur Freiheit  – Zum fünfzigsten Lebensjahr“ weiterlesen

Wechselseitige Wirkung von Peking auf Deutschland

— Zum vierzigsten Todesjahr von Mao

In meinem Geburtsjahr 1966 trat Mao mit den Parolen „Zerschlagt die Alten, bombardiert das Hauptquartier“, eine weitere und seit 1942 seine größte Terrorwelle los. Die deutsche Bezeichnung „Kulturrevolution“ für den roten Terror bis zu seinem Tod im Jahr 1976 ist eine Weichspülung bzw. ein Euphemismus des maoistischen Begriffs – „Die Große proletarische Kulturrevolution“. Mao hat maßgeblich zum kommunistischen Lügensystem beigetragen, was ich als Neusprech à la George Orwell bezeichne.

Wegen der systematischen Gehirnwäsche konnte ich erst in Deutschland infolge des Tiananmen-Massakers 1989 die Kommunistische Partei Chinas als verlogene Staatsterroristen identifizieren. Seitdem setze ich meine Freiheit für die universellen Grundwerte ein. Wegen meines Einsatzes gegen die Falun-Gong-Verfolgung durch das KP-Regime, werde ich seit 14 Jahren von seinem Machtbereich ausgeschlossen, während die Chinesen im Land wegen ihrer Lebensprinzipien „Wahrhaftigkeit, Barmherzigkeit und Duldsamkeit“ verfolgt werden und sogar systematisch bei lebendigem Leibe ihrer Organe beraubt werden. „Wechselseitige Wirkung von Peking auf Deutschland“ weiterlesen

Mein chinesisches Glück trotz der deutschen Sorgen

— Zum Tag der Deutschen Einheit

In Deutschland wird der Tag der Einheit wieder gefeiert. Die Berliner Mauer, die friedliche Revolution der Ostdeutschen und die deutsche Wiedervereinigung habe ich miterlebt, wie eine Ostdeutsche in Westdeutschland. Denn mein Herkunftsland China gehörte wie die DDR zum sozialistischen Machtgebiet. So stand die SED-Führung  zum KP-Regime, als es wegen seines Massakers in Peking vom Westen verurteilt wurde.

Nachdem die internationalen Kommunisten mit Propaganda, Spionen und Waffen die mit Wahl legitimierte Regierung unter Chiang Kai-shek auf die Insel Taiwan vertrieben, wurde die Bildungsschicht in China ermordet, enteignet und marginalisiert. Seitdem gibt es in China nur die Geschichtsverfälschung und systematische Desinformation der Kommunisten. Beispielsweise lernte ich in der Schule, dass wir der Kommunistischen Partei ein glückliches Leben zu verdanken hätten, während zwei Drittel der Weltbevölkerung unter Hunger und Kälte leiden würden. Die systematische Desinformation in der VR China ist nicht leicht zu erkennen, weil das KP-Regime seit seiner Machtergreifung alle anderen Informationsquellen verboten hat. „Mein chinesisches Glück trotz der deutschen Sorgen“ weiterlesen

Verschiedene Fluchtarten,unterschiedliche Gründe, aber gleiche Ursache

Der Flüchtlingsstrom in den freiheitlichen Westen ist mittlerweile in Europa so stark, dass aus ihm eine Flüchtlingskrise geworden ist. Schon 1989,  als ich im Sommersemester in Düsseldorf zu studieren begann, lernte ich im Studentenwohnheim Mitbewohner kennen, die aus dem Iran und Afghanistan geflohen waren. Nach dem Tiananmen-Massaker in Peking 1989 wurden viele Demonstranten verhaftet, aber auch unzähligen Chinesen gelang es, vor der Verhaftung in den Westen zu fliehen. Im Laufe der vergangenen 27 Jahren habe ich viele Flüchtlinge aus verschiedenen totalitären Staaten kennengelernt. Dank meiner Erfahrungen mit ihnen bin ich zu der Erkenntnis gekommen, dass der Flüchtlingsstrom auf die Totalitarismen zurückzuführen ist, egal wie die Flucht aussieht und wie die Flüchtlinge empfinden.
„Verschiedene Fluchtarten,unterschiedliche Gründe, aber gleiche Ursache“ weiterlesen

Petition for Building a Monument to Victims of Communism

Petition in Support of Building a Monument to Victims of Communism in Ottawa – is now ready to be signed online. Please spread it to as many of your family, friends, community members etc as possible.?

to the petition

Open Letter to His Holiness, the Dalai Lama:

Your Holiness, the Dalai Lama,

We are writing to you as native Han-Chinese citizens, who live dispersed all over the world.

Our age, curricula vitae, faith and professions differ, but we have all come to realize that the communist party has robbed human rights and freedom from all the Chinese population, including the Tibetans, by overthrowing the Republic of China with propaganda and violence.

Although we all stand against this regime of terror, we remain interested in improving conditions within China and Tibet – even though we have – as you did – left our native country and many of us according to this are not allowed – as you – to return to China.

We honestly admire the Tibetan uprising at the 49th anniversary of your exile. The bloody suppression of Lhasa reminds us of the massacre at Tiananmen Square in Peking.

The appeal for an Olympic boycott and the protests during the Olympic torchlight run have now attracted international attention. Because of this outcry, you are insulted by the communists, including Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme. However, people who can break through the Chinese wall of Berlin and get information about you will see behind the lies of the CCP.

Furthermore, the two open letters which you have sent to the Chinese and the Buddhists serve well to express your point of view and your compassion.

We feel obliged to explain our point of view to you, now that the communist regime seems willing to undertake a dialogue with you.

From the Tibetan author Wei Se, who publishes in Chinese, we come to know that: „On 25 April, when the communist Xinhua agency was starting negotiations with you, more than one thousand communist functionaries participated in an assembly of the communist administration in the autonomous area against the separatist battle and education according to the actual state. In addition, hundreds of communist functionaries took part in an administrative motivational meeting of the political consultative conference in the autonomous area, that is kept for education under the theme ‚fighting separatism, defending stability, stimulating development‘. Similar assemblies were held in other administrations. There were extended articles attacking the Dalai Lama in the state communist media, including the Guanming RiBao (daily paper) and certain internet sites dealing with Tibet. The actual situation has not changed, either in Tibet or in Peking.“

The communist regime won the right to host the Olympic Games by governmental power and diverse means and promises. We all in different ways back protests against this regime for its ongoing oppression of the population and consequent destruction of the country. Indeed, Yang Chunlin, who participated in collecting signatures for a petition „Human rights and no Olympic Games“, has been sentenced to five years imprisonment. The torch for Human Rights spreads out further, both in China and abroad. Tang Baiqiao, a former student leader who was condemned after the Peking massacre, defended the protest in his speech during the torch relay for human rights in the USA: „Some say the Olympic Games are an honour for all Chinese. Do you not thwart by these protests the Olympic Games organized by the Chinese people? The saboteur is the CCP which insults human rights, not we defending them. A regime that condemns a sympathetic and suffering person like Hu Jia, disqualifies itself as a host of the Olympic Games, which is supposed to symbolize peace and friendship. This is a plain principle. We will not end the protests against the Olympic Games in relation to human rights unless Hu Jia regains freedom.“ Also, Tang has called on those who still believe in the communist propaganda to wake up. They should quickly recognize the CCP as a ring of gangsters only to be detested.

We are not against the Olympic Games, but against their abuse. We all perceive that the Games are merely a ruse by the regime to distract people from its crisis of weakness. Even more crimes are being committed in the name of the Olympic Games. From our point of view, today’s CCP very much resembles the German Nazis of the past. The only difference is that Nazi-China even possesses atomic weapons. At least two highly-placed officials threatened atomic war. The number of missiles aimed at Taiwan has already increased from 300 in 2001 to 1,400 at present. Faced with the crimes committed by the CCP, including those against Tibet, and faced with the danger for the world, we believe that it is imperative to cause the CCP to fall, all the more in the spirit of Olympia.

It is not surprising to us that the regime agreed to a dialogue with you. In this connection Zhang Tianliang comments in Epoch Times: First, crises of the CCP are so large that there is no other possibility than a back-down. Second, the CCP draws back just temporarily but does not honestly mean so.

We also want to draw your attention to the fact that the CCP has already lost its credibility. Every single day there are more Chinese people disgusted with the CCP. On the Epoch Times website (www.dajiyuan.com) one reads that more than 35 million people are declaring to withdraw from the communist party, the communist league or the organization of Young Pioneers. Also, the China Interim Government was established with the main task of leading the CCP to its collapse.

The torch for human rights more and more will make Chinese people familiar with its motto „Same world – same human rights“. After the communist diplomats have created all over a red ocean of outrageous Chinese to drown out the protests during the Olympic torchlight run, the governments of the respective countries certainly will deal with these Red Nazis.

In the 1950s, the regime signed an agreement with you about Tibet. The regime did not keep this agreement but, instead, it forced you into exile. We do not know whether you still think that a dialogue with this unreliable regime can solve any problem. How can you be sure that the CCP this time will keep an agreement? We think that the CCP just wants to use your tolerance to cheat the world. Anyhow, we want to warn you, in listening to the words of the regime, of the wolf in sheepskin.

„Freedom cannot be divided.“ We cannot imagine that it is possible for Tibet to become an isolated island, when the whole of China does not have freedom. When your dialogue takes place, perhaps, you could request the regime to stop blocking the internet, to release political and religious prisoners and to repeal the Laogai (labour education) system, as recommended by Zhang Tianliang. How can the Tibet problem be solved when all human rights are threatened by the regime, even those written into the constitution?

The conflict in Tibet is not a conflict between Tibetans and Chinese but, rather, a conflict between the CCP and the Chinese culture of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.

The CCP has committed cultural genocide not only in Tibet but also in China.

The latest example of this is the persecution of Falun Gong, one of the Buddhist ways in China mainly being practised by Han people. All conflicts urged by the CCP lead back – as Zhong Weiguang has said – to the fact that, within a communist system, there are neither human rights nor freedom.

Three years ago Yuan Hongbing, a founder of the China Interim Government, stated during the publication „The Golden Holy Mountain“, his work dedicated to the Tibetan people, that the communist leaders are characterized by fetishism, hate and dictatorship. These features mean calamity for Tibetan Buddism and its spiritual life. All attempts within the present political system to solve the conflict of Tibet and to maintain Tibetan culture seem to be begging a tiger for its hide. It is impossible.“

Only when the CCP collapses will the Tibetan problem be solved. This is our common recognition, which we hope you might make use of.

With kindest regards,

Xu Pei, Germany
Diane Liu, USA
Yang Zi, USA
Chen Ping, Holland
Pan Yongzhong, Germany
Zhang Jian, France
Xu Yi, United Kingdom
Lin Quan, USA
Guo Long, USA
Wu Fan, USA
Lu Decheng, Canada
Tang Baiqiao, USA
Huang Jichang, Australia
Li Dayong, USA
Jia Kuo, Newseeland
Jennifer Zeng, Australia
Zhang Tianliang, USA
Fei Liangyong, Germany
Zhong Weiguang, Germany
Yuan Hongbing, Australien
Guo Guoting, Kanada
Hong Xian, Australien
Su Ming, Kanada
Jiang Xueli, Australien
Bao Puxu, Australien
Xu Lin, Australien
Wang Gongbiao, Australien
Zhang Yu, Australien
Ma Ming, Australien
Yuan Tieming, Australien
Feng Haiguang, Australien
Wang Qing, Australien
Li Jiawei, Australien
Sang Zi, Australien

My view of China


Following the October Revolution, the Soviet Union strongly supported and promoted Chinese Marxist-Leninists in an attempt to destroy the new democracy of the Republic of China funded by Sun Yat Sen, the first Chinese democrat.

Since its launch into power in 1949, the CCP has effectively transformed China into a massive prison, where everyone is denied basic freedoms. It has been mandatory for every citizen to take part in the Communist movement, with one senseless and illogical campaign following another.

However, after the death of Mao Zedong, there have emerged democratic proponents like Wei  Jingsheng, who has stood up for democracy, despite the certain threat of persecution. The wall, on which Wei Jingsheng and other  dissidents have published their thoughts, has become known as the Democratic Wall, following the imprisonment of Wei Jingsheng.

Thirty years into the Communist dictatorship, the CCP has been forced to open China’s door to save itself from economic bankruptcy; and not solely because of the democratic movement. Dr. Wang Bingzhang was the one of the first Chinese permitted to study abroad.

After his study in 1982, Dr. Wang began to get involved with the overseas Chinese democratic movement, launching the first democratic magazine, China Spring, which gradually yet profoundly influenced the Chinese people.

Seven years later, in 1989, the world got to know the democratic movement in China, but this was the unfortunate period when the Tiananmen Massacre of June 4 took place. For the first time, the world, along with the Chinese people, realized that the CCP  kills like fascists. In fact, the CCP has already killed about 80 million Chinese citizens since coming to power.

After the 1989 Massacre, many people who learned the truth about what really took place no longer believe in the CCP or the Communist ideology, but sadly many Chinese continue to be deceived by the lies of the CCP; the red propaganda.

I was born during the Cultural Revolution and grew up during the relatively free period under the leadership of Hu Yaobang and Zhao Ziyang. I did not have any bad personal experiences with the CCP. For this reason, when I was living in China, I fully believed the textbooks and the media, without realizing that they are actually controlled completely by the CCP and are used to spread untruths invented by the CCP.

Through the 1989 Massacre I was able to learn the true facts and to become aware of the lies of the CCP in Germany. I began to take part in the democratic movement abroad and became an independent writer in order to expose the deceit of the CCP.   I have learned a lot about the real history of the CCP from veteran Chinese dissidents like Dr.Wang, but after several years I have recognized that the CCP has destroyed the moral standards of Chinese dissidents. Some of them have become like Communists, and some have even become spies of the CCP.  I believe that without morals the democratic movement has no future.

Also because of the Tiananmen Massacre I began to study philosophy.

It is incredulous that, as a Chinese person, it was only in Germany that I came to learn Chinese Culture (Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism). I had not even wondered why the CCP wanted to destroy all of the old traditions in the name of revolution or modernization.

When I was a child, I had  to take part in several communist propaganda campaigns, aimed at destroying Chinese Culture. For example, when I was ten years old, we were made to criticize Confucius. A Chinese person familiar with Taoism, Buddhism or Confucianism would not follow the Communist ideology of fighting with heaven and earth; nor its complete disregard for human life. Only those who do not know Chinese traditional values would follow the CCP in its battle against human rights and the cosmic law.

I was able to make the best use of my freedom in Germany for studying and writing.


In 2002 I began to be interested in Falun Gong�??a Buddhist self-improvement practice for the mind and body.
I realized that Falun Gong practitioners actually play a substantial role in the Chinese democratic movement.

After the Tiananmen Massacre, many People no longer believed in the Communist ideology, returning to the Chinese tradition.

Falun Gong, which is based on the principles of Truth, Compassion and Tolerance, became popular in 1992. There were almost 100 million practitioners in China alone by the time the CCP commenced the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999.

Falun Gong is not political, but the principles or tenets of Truth, Compassion and Tolerance, cause people to break free of the Communist brainwashing,  thereby laying a moral foundation identical to that of the Chinese democratic movement.

I therefore began to publish articles which assist both the Chinese democrats in understanding Falun Gong and also the Falun Gong practitioners in understanding the Chinese democratic movement.

The Chinese dictator, Jiang Zemin, was determined to eliminate Falun Gong in 3 months, but 7 years later, Falun Gong has actually gained more popularity, with the principles of Falun Gong gaining the hearts of Chinese dissidents like me.

Mark Palmer, the Vice Chairman of the Board of Freedom House, compares Falun Gong with Gandhi, the American Civil Rights movement and Solidarity.

I am one of the first Chinese dissidents to recognize the importance of Falun Gong to China’s democratization process.

As a Chinese writer in German exile I want to endeavor, through my writing, to promote democratic change in my motherland.  In my personal capacity, I have already written a body of essays regarding Falun Gong and its importance for China�??s democratization.

It is my hope that all Chinese people can recognize that we have to stand up for the human rights which the CCP have disregarded since its inception. And Falun Gong helps people to discard the Communist brainwashing.


I ask myself whether the governments in the West today have forgotten the Red China, because the CCP has been responsible for the killing of more people than the great purge, Auschwitz and Dachau, the Gulag and Cambodia combined. The Red China is the „big brother“ of the Khmer Rouge. And it was in fact the CCP who supported North Korea and Vietnam against the U.S and the UNO.

I love my motherland with its old culture, cruelly kidnapped by the CCP�??the largest terror organization worldwide. There is not much difference between the post-1989 Massacre CCP regime and the Nazi regime in Germany. The Chinese, the Tibetans and many others are still suffering under communism�??the red fascism. The Red China with its atomic bomb is a significant threat to world peace, as was the former Soviet Union, because CCP leaders are keen to maintain its ideology, supposedly using it to „free the world“. Through the CCP-controlled Chinese media, the U.S. is made to appear as a major enemy of the Chinese nation, which goes to explain why many Chinese people were laughing when the tragedy of the 9.11 incident in New York took place.

Not only the minds and lives of the Chinese people have been polluted, but the environment of China has suffered. The multiple people and products resulting from the CCP are flowing out across the globe and are polluting the whole world.

However, the people of the Western world mistakenly believe that China is growing, without understanding the crises underlying the surface. September 2004, Europe decided to lighten the visa requirements for Chinese travel agencies, and up to June 2005 there have been 7,000 Chinese who have capitalized on this chance to stay in Europe. All of them are made to pay the travel agency a forfeit of several tens of thousands of Yuan.  I interviewed a lot of Chinese who work �??black�??, or illegally in Europe, or apply for asylum.  The same problem exists in the U.S, in Canada and in Australia; in fact in the whole Western world.

Former Chinese diplomat in Australia, Mr. Chen Yonglin, stated that the current economic growth in China had bolstered the Communist regime�??s hold over Chinese society and increased its ability to suppress dissents at home and abroad. As a Chinese writer I am very worried about this situation and would like to help the Chinese and the world to recognize the CCP for what it is.  The saying that China will fall without the CCP is typical CCP propaganda.

There are people like the author of „The Coming Collapse of China“ who, like me, have discovered the untruth of Communist propaganda, but there is almost nobody who recognizes that Falun Gong can be a peaceful way towards China’s democratization.

The several dozens of years since the CCP regime�??s introduction can be considered the darkest period in China�??s history. Only in the absence of the CCP can we return to China and establish a democratically elected government, which could serve as a reliable partner to other nations.

Since the publication of the „Nine commentaries on the CCP“ in November 2004, there have been 18 million Chinese who have withdrawn from the CCP. Quitting the CCP is a very good starting point. Without the CCP dictatorship, Chinese people can truly experience democracy and freedom.

China needs democracy, and the world needs truth, compassion and tolerance.

Only a democratic China can be a guarantee for world peace.

Vancouver 2006

Kein “Befreiungsschlag” ohne Anstand

Das ist mein erster Kommentar in Bezug auf den Islam, den ich am 17.09.2010 im Internet veröffentlichte.   Bei der Überprüfung nach mehr als fünf Jahren habe ich nur einen sprachlichen Fehler korrigiert.

Als eingebürgerte Exilchinesin mache ich mir auch Sorgen um Deutschland, aber nicht wegen der muslimischen Migranten, sondern wegen der Einflussnahme der kommunistischen Machthaber meines Heimatlandes. Seit einigen Jahren hege ich den Verdacht, dass immer mehr Deutsche die Grundwerte vergessen und ihre jeweiligen öffentlichen Posten zu eigenen Vorteilen missbrauchen. „Kein “Befreiungsschlag” ohne Anstand“ weiterlesen